Introduction & news

Brooklands Section VMCC is a club for anyone interested in classic motorcycles from any country; British, Italian, Japanese, German, we have all sorts within the section. We're a local section of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club (VMCC) based at the historic Brooklands Track near Weybridge, Surrey. Please explore the following pages to find out about our events, where we meet and how to contact us. We welcome anyone interested in motorcycles to join us at one of our events.

JULY NEWS UPDATE: July kicks off with our BBQ and social evening at The Crown in Horsell on Tuesday 2nd - everyone is welcome! BBQ food will be provided by a local cafe. The Brooklands Museum Motorcycle Day is on Sunday 7th - speak to John G if you'd like to show a bike on our stand. Tony Baxter leads Ride a Bike Night on July 16th, starting from the car park in Normandy village, near the British Legion, at 7.30pm, and heading to the Olive Tree in Sutton Green (note the new destination). Finally, the all-day Summer Run is on Wednesday July 31st (note the date change) and is a visit to the Amberley Chalk Pits Museum, led by Robin Sutherland. Start at 10.30am, Hollyhedge Car Park, Cobham KT11 3DQ.

Check for the latest details on all our events on the Events page and pictures from recent events can be seen on our public Facebook page.