Introduction & news

Brooklands Section VMCC is a club for anyone interested in classic motorcycles from any country; British, Italian, Japanese, German, we have all sorts within the section. We're a local section of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club (VMCC) based at the historic Brooklands Track near Weybridge, Surrey. Please explore the following pages to find out about our events, where we meet and how to contact us. We welcome anyone interested in motorcycles to join us at one of our events.

DECEMBER & JANUARY NEWS: I'm a bit late in updating the December news. The re-scheduled Windsor Run took place on the 1st but it wasn't 3rd time lucky as the rain came shortly after the run set off and the Kempton Classic Show was cancelled by the organisers due to high winds and rain linked to Storm Darragh. Club Night on Tuesday 17th will be in the warmth of the Members Bar at the Museum, and we're hoping to have a presentation about the VMCC Library. December rounds out with our Boxing Day Gathering at the Crown in Horsell, from noon onwards.

January kicks off with Winter Wandering on Saturday 4th, led by John Gentleman. The start point is Newlands Corner at 11.00am, and the ride heads over to the cafe at Rykas via a circuitous route. January Club Night on Tuesday 21st is our AGM and awards presentations. Please come along to discuss the activities of the Section, and if you'd like to join the Committee contact David Ashdown or John Gentleman in advance. Our Brooklands Section Dinner is on Saturday 25th, at Valentina Kitchen (Italian) in Weybridge High Street. Contact Andy Faima or John Gentleman to reserve a place.

Check for the latest details on all our events on the Events page and pictures from recent events can be seen on our public Facebook page.